We sat down with one of our previous students, 22-year-old Rebecka Rosengren from Kalmar, who has a profound interest in fashion and a love for expressing her creativity. In her free time, she currently enjoys engaging in new sewing projects, cooking, and having coffee with friends. Also, prior to the ongoing pandemic, she loved exploring the world

What did you study in high school?
Initially, I studied Social Sciences. However, in my second year, I switched to Media!
What are you up to these days?
I recently completed a course in color theory at the Textile University in Borås! Now, I work as a content creator, essentially creating material for company Instagram accounts while also managing my own social channels. I am also currently in the process of exploring further opportunities within the styling profession!
I’ve noticed that you blog; what can readers find on your blog?
On my blog, you get to experience a lot of fashion! Outfits, various shopping tips, and trend spotting. Makeup and beauty are also significant interests of mine, so you’ll find a lot about that as well. However, I also provide insights into my life and daily routines!
What background do you have, and why do you like fashion?
I grew up with a very fashion-conscious and inspiring mom! She used to sew her own clothes when she was young and has always had an interest in fashion, which has certainly rubbed off on me! I loved the days when we went into town and shopped together, or when I had a catwalk for her in the living room, haha! Fashion is a way for me to express my creativity and communicate without words. I don’t follow a specific style but dress according to my mood and what I find stylish! Fashion is just fun!
Is there anyone or anything that inspires you a little extra?
I absorb inspiration wherever I am and can be inspired by almost anything! It could be a person on the street, my friends, a feature in a magazine, or a celebrity.
What can’t you do without in your wardrobe?
The leather jacket!! An incredibly timeless and versatile piece.

When did you realize you wanted to become a stylist?
Through my work on social media, I’ve had the opportunity to model in campaigns for various companies, and during the photo shoots, I gained insight into the work behind the camera. That’s where my interest in the styling profession began!
What attracted you to the styling profession?
During the photo shoots, I’ve seen how individuals working in styling express their creativity and fulfill their dream of working in the fashion industry. I thought, “I want to be there too!” I’ve also seen the challenges the job presents and that it’s not as glamorous as many believe, which motivates me!
What is your dream assignment?
Oh, that’s a tough one! But I’ve always dreamed of styling for galas and TV programs!
What are your future visions within the fashion industry?
My future visions within the fashion industry involve making it more sustainable, focusing on reusing fabrics, and being more mindful of the consequences the fashion industry creates for people! We learned a lot about this during the course.

Stories from Rebeckas time at StyleAcademy

Why did you choose Styleacademy? What made you want to take our course?
I had been eyeing Styleacademy for a while before I applied, and the reason I specifically chose this program was partly due to its excellent reputation! But also because I had such a good gut feeling when I visited the website and read about their goals and visions for the course. I thought immediately, this is where I want to go!
Can you tell us a bit about what you learned during our course?
During these 6 months, we learned a lot! Everything from basic styles, body types, fashion history, color characters to how to take care of clothes in the best way and how to think more sustainably.
What was the best thing about the course?
The best thing about the course was undoubtedly that I got to meet people every week who shared the same interest as me. But also, all the knowledge I gained and all the lecturers we got to meet! I love that Style Academy has invested so much time in inviting interesting and relevant guests such as Sara Biderman, Ann Sköld, Swedish Fashion Council, etc.
What have you taken away from the course?
So much! I have taken away great friends, a lot of knowledge, experience, and improved confidence in the fashion industry.
Who would you recommend to take our course?
If you have a burning passion for fashion and dream of becoming a stylist or personal shopper, apply! You won’t regret it.
How did you find our course?
Via Instagram!