Today, we sat down with Linnea, one of our colleagues. As the department head for NK’s Personal Shopping and the course leader for our programs, Linnea plays a crucial role in shaping the future of our students. From her beginnings as a student in our courses to her current positions, her journey has been nothing short of inspiring. With previous experience in online shopping at Zalando and as a stylist at NK, Linnea brings a wealth of expertise to her roles.
What did you do before the course? I worked in finance and loan processing.
How did your background in finance influence your decision to explore a career in fashion? It wasn’t something I had planned to do, but fashion has always been a significant interest and a hobby, though not something I thought I could work in. I took a chance with this course and don’t regret it for a second; that decision led me to the job I have today.
Can you share the story of how you came across the course and what motivated you to apply? My mom sent me the advertisement for the course on Facebook; she thought It sounded like something for me and that I should apply. So, I submitted my application, it was the last spot, and I started the course the following week!
What sparked your interest in the fashion world? My interest has been there since I was little; my mom has always said that I cared about what I wore even as a little 3-year-old. I think a lot comes from my family; those closest to me have also had an interest in clothes and beauty, and that’s how my interest grew.

Can you share your favorite part of the course and how it changed your perspective on fashion?Basic styles and color theory were the subjects that really stuck with me and are tools I still use in my work today.
The course emphasizes mentorshop and networking: how have these aspects played a role in your journey and contributed to your success? I received a lot of support and advice during the course from Lisa, who was our course leader. After completing the course, I stayed in good contact with all the participants, which has been very helpful as we’ve been able to consult and help each other. All the lectures I met have also been of great importance and have expanded my network.
Can you share a memorable moment or lesson from the course that has stayed with you in your career as a stylist? When we got our test customer during the examination, it was so nerve-wracking but educational. It was an opportunity to truly test our knowledge.
What advice would you give to someone considering enrolling in a similar course based on your transformative experience at The Rose Room. Do it! You never regret taking a course or getting an education; it is always valuable to broaden your knowledge and expand your career opportunities.
What motivated you to resign from your finance job in the middle of the course? Once I started the course, I already felt after the first day that this was something I wanted to work with. A few weeks into the course, I made the decision to resign. By then, I had already started applying for some jobs, which also gave me the strength to take the step.

Working with Zalando PS involves online services. Can you share your experience and the unique aspects of styling for an online platform compared to personal styling? At first, it was very difficult; i was used to meeting the customer and forming my opinion. I was also used to being able to touch and feel all the clothes before recommending them to the customer, which is no possible online. In the beginning, it took a very long time, but over time, you find your tricks and favorites, making it very fun and challenging.
NK Personal Shopping is known for its luxurious environment and exclusive brands. How did working there differ from your previous experiences, and what did you enjoy most about styling in such an exclusive setting. It definitely differed from the previous department store I was at. However, I am glad that between these workplaces, I was at a multi-brand store in Södermalm, Stockholm which also focused on the luxury segment. There, I gained a lot of knowledge about brand that helped me at NK. I love working with sustainable and high-quality brands, and I must say that is the most enjoyable part of styling in such an environment.
What advice would you give to someone aspiring to work as a personal shopper or stylist at high-end establishments like NK? I would definitely recommend starting by taking a course to gain as mush basic knowledge as possible. After that, my recommendation is to gain as much work experience as possible: assist, intern, work with different brands/departments to then feel confident in moving on to a high-quality department store/brand.

After completing the course at The Rose Room, you now work for them. How did that come about? Tell us about your role. I started freelancing as a consultant in Personal Shopping at NK in 2019. Towards the end of 2020, while on maternity leave, Lisa and Christina contacted me. We had a few meetings and loosely talked about the future. After that, I was offered a full-time position at The Rose Room, which I am very happy about! Today, I am the department head for NK’s Personal Shopping and the course leader for our courses. I am also involved in the development of new courses and upcoming projects.
What advice do you give to future personal shoppers or stylists looking o excel in the industry? Never take no as an answer! Sometimes it takes 20 emails before getting a response, and that’s okay. Sometimes you get a no, but it doesn’t mean its a no forever.
As a course leader, what qualities do you consider crucial for a successful career in fashion styling? Ambitious, creative, unpretentious, structured, positive, happy and solution-oriented.